yeah.. its been awhile since last i come to my favourite cafe in sydney.. Max Brenner.. a place where sells good chocolates.. drinks, waffer...everything in chocolate.. yummy yummy :) There are 2 usual max brenner outlets which i do always hang out to.. one is located at david jones and the other is at wynyard..
on our way to max brenner..

today, we choose this 1.... max brenner @ wynyard

us while waiting for the red light..

arrived.. my sweetie new fren.. melody

another nice pic of her..
april says she will be bring her thesis group mate along.. sydney is so small...guess who??
is him .. jonathan !!!! long time no see...
and his new fren.. chuck from taiwan.. nice to meet u..
here arrives our order.. waffers!!!

my dark italian think chocolate taste so good ^^
hmm.. let's see what are u doing ??
smiles :)

3 pretties with 3 expressions ..
a memorable evening...
y malaysia dun have such thing??